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How to build a solid property cash flow template?

real estate market cash flow

Thinking of buying real estate in the United States? We have financial spreadsheets tailored to 700+ cities.

Using a property cash flow template is not just about tracking numbers—it's about gaining control over your investment.

It's about being able to sleep at night knowing you have a firm grip on your finances.

It's about making your investment work for you, not the other way around.

That’s why we have created more than 700 property cashflow templates, each one tailored to a specific city in the United States.

You can also check a free sample here.

Having this tool at your disposal can mean the difference between a thriving investment and a financial headache.

What is a property cash flow template? What does it include?

A property cash flow template is a financial tool used to track and project the income and expenses associated with a real estate property.

If we are talking about just the cash-flow statement, then it looks like that (taken from our free example).

cash flow real estate template excel

If we are talking about a really good property cash flow template (that we also call a real estate pro-forma), like the ones we have built, there are more elements - this is what you will find inside.

Section Description / How to use it in our spreadsheets
Inputs You can enter all your starting details and assumptions here, you will also find guidance and suggest values, based on your city.
Answers A detailed summary of your financial results based on the inputs you've provided, everything explained in plain english, as if you were a beginner.
Dashboards A complete view of your financial projections with all the key metrics and charts in one place - there is nothing missing there.
Cash Flow A detailed breakdown of your cash flow (like the screenshot above), showing all the money coming in and going out. It’s the kind of financial statement your bank or investor will request to see.
Yearly Pick a specific year to see a summary of how your investment is performing in that year (still with a lot of metrics and charts).
Mortgage All the important details about your mortgage, including your payments and interest rates, so you don’t have any bad surprises.
Scenario Tweak different parameters to see how changes might impact your investment. Results will update automatically.
5-year Look at how your investment is projected to perform over 5 years. You get to pick the starting date.
10-year See the long-term projection of your investment over 10 years. You get to pick the starting date.

Where can I get a property cash flow template?

When it comes to real estate financial analysis, picking the right tool or service is crucial.

Check out the table below to see a comparison of different options, including their features, limitations, and prices, so you can find the best fit for your needs.

Option Description Price
Free Template It's free but comes with many limitations: zero flexibility, inaccurate calculations, financial rules not always respected, not tailored to your city, poor user experience, and no customer support. Free
Do It Yourself It's free but takes a lot of time (more than 150 hours) and requires extensive financial knowledge. This approach is very error-prone, making it easy to make costly mistakes. Not recommended for those without a strong financial background. Free
WhatsMyCashFlow Tailored to your city with a great user experience, fully flexible, 24/7 customer support, and includes all necessary metrics, charts, and ratios you need for real estate projections. Less than $99
Regular Financial Tool with Subscription Provides standard real estate financial metrics with limited customization and user support. Not tailored to specific locations and requires a monthly or annual subscription. From $99 per month ($999 per year)
Financial Expert Quality varies depending on the expert you interact with. Limited to pre-existing templates, no flexibility, and not tailored to your city's data. From $1,500
Investment Analysis Firm Full-service investment analysis with detailed financial projections, market trends, risk assessment, and strategic planning tailored specifically to real estate projects. $5,000+ per project

What’s the best option for me?

Obviously, we are not objective. Still, we think that WhatsMyCashFlow is your best option for real estate financial projections. Here's why.

First, our service is tailored specifically to your city. Unlike free templates that don't consider local factors, WhatsMyCashFlow uses data and insights relevant to your area. This means the projections we provide are accurate and directly applicable to your market, giving you a clear advantage when planning your investments.

Next, the user experience with WhatsMyCashFlow is really seamless. Free templates often come with a clunky interface and limited functionality. Our spreadsheets are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for you to navigate and get the most out of it. You won't struggle to find the information you need or to use the features we offer.

Flexibility is another key benefit. With WhatsMyCashFlow, you can fully customize your projections to fit your unique needs and scenarios. Unlike financial experts who rely on rigid templates, you can reach out to us and if you need a little tweak, we will do it for free.

We also provide 24/7 customer support. If you run into any issues or have questions, our team is always available to help. Free templates don't offer any support, and other services might have limited availability. With us, you get round-the-clock assistance, ensuring you can keep moving forward without delay.

Our spreadsheets include all the essential metrics, charts, and ratios needed for thorough real estate financial projections. You won't have to look elsewhere for comprehensive data; everything you need is right at your fingertips. This contrasts sharply with basic tools that only offer standard metrics without depth or detail.

Finally, let's talk about cost. At less than $99, WhatsMyCashFlow is incredibly cost-effective. Financial experts can charge over $1,500, and investment analysis firms might cost you $5,000 or more per project. Even regular financial tools with monthly subscriptions can quickly add up. We offer top-tier features and support at a fraction of the price, making it an excellent value for your investment.

real estate market cash flow

Results and projections are explained in simple English in our financial spreadsheets tailored to 700+ cities.

What are the essential metrics I should have in my property cash flow template?

Not all metrics will be useful, but there are some that are essential. We've put them in the table below, and of course, they are all included in our spreadsheets (along with others).

Metric Meaning Why It’s Important
Gross Rental Income The total income from rent before any expenses are deducted. This gives a baseline of the property’s revenue potential.
Vacancy Rate The percentage of time the property is expected to be vacant. Helps estimate potential income loss due to vacancies.
Effective Rental Income Gross rental income minus vacancy losses. Reflects the actual rental income you can expect to receive.
Other Income Additional income from sources like parking fees, laundry, etc. Adds to total revenue, providing a fuller picture of income streams.
Total Income Sum of effective rental income and other income. The total amount of money the property generates.
Operating Expenses Costs required to maintain and operate the property (e.g., repairs, utilities). Essential for understanding the costs involved in managing the property.
Net Operating Income (NOI) Total income minus operating expenses. Measures the property's profitability before financing and taxes.
Debt Service Annual mortgage payments. Important for understanding cash outflow related to property financing.
Cash Flow Before Taxes NOI minus debt service. Shows how much cash is left after paying all operating expenses and debt.
Cap Rate (Capitalization Rate) NOI divided by the property’s purchase price. Helps assess the property's return on investment.
Cash-on-Cash Return Annual cash flow before taxes divided by the total cash invested. Measures the return on the actual cash invested in the property.
Maintenance Reserves Funds set aside for future repairs and replacements. Ensures you are prepared for unexpected maintenance costs.
Property Management Fees Fees paid to a property management company. Important for owners not managing the property themselves.
Insurance Annual property insurance costs. Essential for protecting the property and its income.
Property Taxes Annual property tax obligations. A significant operating expense that must be accounted for.
Capital Expenditures (CapEx) Funds used for major property improvements or replacements. Important for maintaining and increasing the property’s value.
Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM) Property price divided by gross rental income. A quick way to assess the property’s value relative to its income.
Break-even Ratio (Operating Expenses + Debt Service) / Gross Income. Indicates the occupancy rate needed to cover expenses and debt service.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) The annualized rate of return on the investment over a specific period. Helps evaluate the long-term profitability of the investment.

Why you need a proper and solid cash flow template

A bad property cash flow template can cost you a lot in terms of time, money, and stress. Here’s how.

Wrong formulas mean miscalculating cash flow.

For example, an incorrect mortgage payment formula might show $1,200 instead of $1,500. This mistake leads to poor budgeting, forcing you to scramble for extra funds when the real costs hit. You might end up using high-interest credit, which increases your financial burden.

A rigid template that can’t adjust for changing expenses, like rising property taxes or fluctuating rental income, leaves you with outdated projections. This misinformation can lead you to make bad decisions, like over-leveraging by buying new properties based on overly optimistic cash flow estimates.

Time is another critical factor. A bad template means extra hours spent correcting errors and manually updating information. This is time you could use to find new properties, negotiate deals, or improve your current rentals. Time lost here translates directly into lost opportunities and potential income.

In the worst cases, relying on inaccurate templates can lead to a really bad real estate ROI and financial ruin. Underestimating expenses and overestimating income could push you into buying more properties than you can afford, resulting in foreclosure and damaging your credit score.

Ultimately, a faulty template doesn’t just mislead you; it drains your resources and increases your stress. Accurate, flexible cash flow templates are essential for making informed decisions and maintaining financial stability in real estate investing.

How to use our cash flow templates

To help you better understand the workflow, you can download our free sample and navigate through each section.

Putting assumptions

Start by entering all your starting details and assumptions in the "Inputs" section.

This is where you provide the essential data that will drive your financial projections. You'll find guidance and suggested values based on your city to help you get accurate inputs.

Getting all the answers

Once you've entered your inputs, head over to the "Answers" section. Here, you'll find a detailed summary of your financial results based on the information you provided. Everything is explained in plain English, making it easy to understand even if you're a beginner.

Full overview of dashboards

Next, check out the "Dashboards" section. This area gives you a complete view of your financial projections, with all the key metrics and charts in one place. There's nothing missing here—it's a comprehensive snapshot of your investment's performance.

Switching between different views

Now, you can explore various views to get a deeper understanding of your investment:

  • Cash Flow:

    This view provides a detailed breakdown of your cash flow, showing all the money coming in and going out. It's the kind of financial statement your bank or investor will request to see.

  • Yearly:

    Pick a specific year to see a summary of how your investment is performing during that period, complete with numerous metrics and charts.

  • Mortgage:

    Find all the important details about your mortgage, including your payments and interest rates, so you don't encounter any unpleasant surprises.

  • 5-year:

    Look at how your investment is projected to perform over the next five years. You get to choose the starting date, which gives you a tailored view.

  • 10-year:

    See the long-term projection of your investment over ten years. You also get to pick the starting date, helping you plan for the future.

Sensitivity analysis and playing around

If you want to dive even deeper, use the "Scenario" section to tweak different parameters and see how changes might impact your investment. The results update automatically, allowing you to play around with different scenarios and find the best strategy for your property investment.

This approach ensures you have all the tools and information needed to make informed decisions about buying and renting out residential property in the city. Dive in, explore each section, and see how your investment can grow!

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